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Showing articles from Training Video tag

17 - Copy Measurements Using Favorites

**Favorites** control allows you to save measurements, annotations and detail scales as "favorites". You can then quickly reuse those objects by double-clicking on them or dragging and dropping them on a drawing. Each favorite is displayed with an icon and a description as shown above. The control has two sections. T…

12 - Cut Out a Measurement from an Area Measurement

**Cutout** is a group of disconnected points that are digitized in a counter-clockwise direction so that the group area is excluded from the overall measurement area. Click on the link below to view a video on Measurement Cut Outs. Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation. **[CutOut Measurement][1] Doc…

15 - Compare / Overlay Drawings

Drawing comparison allows you to overlay two different drawings and see the differences between them. Drawing comparison can be used in a variety of ways: * To compare an original drawing to a revised drawing. * To compare different floors in a multi-story building. * To compare a specific unit to the original…

27 - Quantity Worksheet Overview (Premier)

**Quantity Worksheet** is used to organize drawings, measurements and annotations. It also lets you perform calculations and easily transfer them to other applications. ![][1] **_Figure 1_** shows the quantity worksheet window. Most of the window is taken up by the worksheet grid. The grid is actually a combination …

22 - Edit Standard Traces in a Grid

**Trace Grid Window** displays a list of all the standard traces in a grid with one row per trace and different columns for the trace properties. ![][1] Click on the link below to view a video on Trace Grid Edit. Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation. **[Trace Grid Window][2] Documentation** [1…

04 - Calibrating Scales

**Calibrating scales** gives the user the ability of creating a scale for a drawing when a scale may not be shown for a drawing or a detail, but one or more dimensions are specified on the drawing. In this case, you can specify the scale by "Calibrating" it. ![][1] Drawing Scale Edit Window OR ![][2] Detailed Sca…

26 - Create / Edit Extensions (Premier)

Extensions allow user input and calculations to be added to individual measurements. For example, a "Wall Area" extension would allow the user to enter the wall height, then calculate the wall area as the measurement length multiplied by that height. ![][1] To edit Extensions (_Premiere Version Only_): * Click on…

03 - Set Drawing Scale

**Set Drawing Scale** is used to review or set the scale for a drawing. This window is invoked from the Main Menu's "Options/Set Drawing Scale" option or from the Default Scale Window. ![][1] Click on the link below to view a video on Set Drawing Scale. Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation. **[Dra…

19 - Dimension / Excel Integration

**Excel integration** allows you to drag and drop your measurements from the Measurement summary list right into excel or you can use the Dimension Excel Add-on which allows the transferring of formulas back to Dimension periodically to get the latest quantity. The Add-on provides three functions for use in Excel form…

05 - Taking Measurements

Click on the link below to view a video on Taking Measurements. Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation. **[Adding A New Measurement (Area, Count, Length, and or Perimeter)][1] Documentation** [1]:

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