If your computer is on a network that has a firewall and you receive an error message trying to install a license, below are a few options to resolve the issue.
1. Copy the firewall helper file, "eTkoFWH.dll" from folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\eTakeoff\RView\Fire wall helper" to the the Dimension Installation folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\eTakeoff\RView" folder.
2. Open your network's firewall for the URL, www.etakeoff.com or etakeoff.com
NOTE: Access is needed for inbound and outbound.
3. Configure Internet Explorer with your network's Proxy Server Settings. Configure Internet Explorer
If you do not know your Proxy Server Settings, please consult your IT department.
* Make sure you close Dimension then restart it after following the above procedures.
4. License Dimension manually.
Go on the Internet to http://www.etakeoff.com/License/LicManual.html
- Enter your Installation password, User Nam and Computer ID
- Click on the "Register" button and you will be given and activation code for your computer
- Copy the activation code to the clipboard
- Return to your original computer and paste in the activation code
- Click the "OK" button to complete the installation