Jul 21, 2017
There is a known issue that happens when trying dock a control panel over another control panel after updating Dimension from version 5.05 to version 5.06. Once the procedure below is followed, it will fix the issue.
To explain the procedure, we will use Control Panel 1 as the "Base" control panel & Control panel 2 as the "Stacked" control panel. The "Base" control panel is the control panel that is docked in the original location. The "Stacked" control panel is the control panel that is stacked on top of the "Base" panel.
- Undock the Base control panel (control panel 1) by left clicking on the title bar and dragging it out of its position.
- Re-dock control panel 1 by left clicking on the heading and moving the mouse onto the arrow where you want the panel to be docked as shown in the screen below.
- Dock the "Stacked" control panel (control panel 2) by left clicking on the heading, dragging it over control panel 1 and moving the mouse to the middle section of the 4 arrows button.
Now Control Panel 2 is stacked under Control Panel 2.